Sunday, September 21, 2008

This ones for Tiff...

So I know a bunch of people read this but if you're not Tiff then I give you permission to skip this post...or if you're really bored or just plain curious I guess you can read it. Tiff! I miss you like crazy! I am the most horrible long-distance friend and I am so sorry! We keep playing phone tag so I knew you would check your blog so I thought I would use this as a means to reach my bestest friend. :) Oh my gosh! I was in a freaking hurricane! It was so cool but Daniel wouldn't wake up to come outside with me and I was too scared to go out by myself in case a tree or something landed on me. I really wanted to get a picture and video tape. I tried to get a little on tape but it just sounds like static and you can't really see anything because the power went out and it was the middle of the night. I was bummed about that. Why do natural disasters seem to always happen in the middle of the night? Anyway, we could've had so much fun in a hurricane! I really wish you were there! (People who might be reading this who aren't you are probably like "great friend she is. wanting to drag someone into a hurricane with her." but I know you get me, thats whats so fun about you).
Now I'm in Middleton and you're not here and that really stinks. I tried to get my family to go through Rexburg after we took Andrew to the MTC. They said it was too far out of the way. I wish you were here! Hey, whay aren't you here? You're best friend is within driving distance and you won't even go see her!? Whats that about. I guess I just love you more than you love me. Oh well, I'm leaving to go back down to Jumanji on Monday. Daniel says they STILL don't have power. And it is HOT. Oh well, maybe I can sweat off the last 10 pounds I have to lose.
OK. Really. We need to start formulating our plan here soon. Our husbands are graduating soon (somewhat) and we are going to start needing to break them down so that we end up being neighbors for the rest of our lives. We need to make it happen Tiff. Because seriously, I don't think I can live without you. I am scouting out a nice spot of land in has our names written all over it...if only we could convince the Daniels...
So you "tagged" me, I didn't even know I was playing, but I guess that means its my turn to answer your questions. Here it is:
1. 3 Joys
Tiffany Dunn
Breyers Rocky Road
Really good kisses (but not from Tiffany Dunn)

2. 3 Fears
That everyone I love will die and go to heaven and I will be left alive and alone.
Going crazy.
Living a boring and unhappy life.

3. Current Goals
Get my hubby graduated
Get my son walking
Get myself together

4. Current Obsessions
Interior Decorating

5. Random facts about me
I am more fun around Tiffany Dunn than anyone else in the world.
I have a fifth grade picture of myself that looks just like Legolus off of Lord of the Rings.
I secretly wish I was a rockstar and I can't wait to be old so that I have an excuse to act completely ridiculous and wear outrageous hats. (those last two things were oddly unrelated)

There you go Tiff! NOw I guess I'm sposed to tag someone...I tag Aubrey and Lisa! Tiff! I love you and miss you tons! I will be better at ccalling you! I hope you enjoyed your own little post from me to you!

1 comment:

Daniel and Tiffany Dunn said...

Wow! I think i started tearing up when i was reading that! you are SO sweet! i love you Cath! I do know what you mean about the hurricane! I wish i could be there too! Next year at this time hopefully we will both be living there and we'll get our fair share of natural disasters together and i'll run over to your house in the middle of the night and we can go out in it together! haha! we do sound crazy!
Believe me i was aching when i knew you were so close- but that was a family visit, i can't believe our little Andrew is gone!! :) I saw christen's pictures of the trip. you look good!! hey guess what! I TIFFANY DUNN have been going to the school EVERY night (but sundays) for 11 days straight now to work out!! isn't that just so not like me?? ya i've only lost 2 pounds though, this is going to be hard! I can't belive you guys don't have power! that's crazy! anyway,yes get our places figured out where we're going to live, oh and find Daniel a job too! :)ha I loved the questions- you are awesome! I love you Cath, sorry this is sooo long but i just miss you like crazy!! it will be SO long until we're living in the same place! one year from now i think, that is if our plans work out. that's depressing. but we WILL keep in touch, even if it is only through blogging right?? love you Cath!